Friday, April 23, 2010

The Nitty Gritty

It's been awhile since I've shared what the kids have been up to just in general, so here is your update.
Ephant is getting very excited to go to the upper elementary next year. For those that don't know, we have a really weird system in our school district. Elementary is K-4, Upper Elementary is 5-6, Middle School is 7-8 and High school is 9-12. So Ephant is ready to move on. We went on a tour of the school the other night and she could barely contain her excitement. She's especially excited for band and orchestra. She's planning to do both violin and flute. She started telling me all the instruments she wants to learn and told me I was going to have to get her private lessons since she won't be able to learn them all in school. I was trying to explain to her that she is going to have to specialize at some point because she (and I) will run out of time for all of that. Next year she also wants to take two dance classes. Can I say "overachiever". I'm glad she is so motivated though.

She has also been having tons of fun with her friend down the street. We drive her home from school and then she and Ephant run around the neighborhood for a few hours. The weather has been gorgeous lately so that has really helped.

Brother B keeps plugging along. For all his social reservations he seems to be quite popular at school. I think the kids all like the strong silent type. The girls in particular seem to like him. He's going to be quite the ladies man. He is very sweet. He's always helping out Fefe. I think she is the only one he is willing to get kisses from at this point. He's currently still taking gymnastics. I keep asking him if he wants to take other sports, but he's nowhere near as motivated as Ephant. He really likes to dabble. It's fine with me though. I did make him start taking piano lessons. He didn't want to at first, but I've been surprised how much he has actually been enjoying them. It helps that he has a very sweet teacher. Brother B is also doing very well academically. He just finished up testing for TAG and I can't imagine he won't pass. He has a fabulous teacher this year and I'll be sad when he moves up next year.

The thing I love best about Brother B right now is how much he loves talking to his mom. He really enjoys going places with just me and telling me about everything going on in his life. A few years ago I wondered if he would always be so hard to talk to, but he is really starting to open up and I love it.

Loofa continues to be our sweet little troublemaker. The child has a persistence streak like you would not believe when he really wants something. For all that though I still love him to pieces. He doesn't care for the all the smooches I still like to give him. I've had to stop kissing him when I drop him off at preschool now because of what a ruckus he would make. He loves his playdates with his friend A from church. Every Monday A comes to our house and Wednesdays Loofa goes to his house. It is a nice break for A's mom and I. I wish they could go to the same school next year. Of course, it might be good that they are not. Loofa is still very much into video games although he has gotten a bit better since we banned him from them a month ago for 2 weeks. The nice weather has certainly helped too. I'm glad I don't have to force the kids to go play outside, that they just naturally want to be out there. He and Brother B are great friends. The particularly love swinging or climbing trees together.

Fefe is in just the cutest stage right now. Her talking is so good and she is as sweet and polite as can be. She's a little social butterfly too. She already enjoys playing with other kids. I don't remember the other three really caring about playing with other kids this early. I guess that is what comes from being the youngest. I've probably mentioned before too that she is my first to really enjoy playing with figurines like Polly pockets and Barbie. I used to wonder what was wrong with my other kids that they didn't like toys like that, it is nice to have a normal one :) Fefe can't get enough of playing outside, especially on the swing. We have to make sure the back gates are always closed because she is constantly running into the backyard to play on the swings. She's been pretty sick with a high fever the last couples of days so I got a nice cuddle with her yesterday. It is fun to watch her grow, but sad to see my baby getting so big. Sometime soon we're going to take her in and get her her first real haircut. She's got a little bit of Farrah Fawcett going on some days.

We had a trip out to the Tulip Festival last Saturday. The pictures really turned out so so because it was so sunny. The flowers were beautiful. I wish bulbs lasted longer than they do. At least my roses are going to start blooming soon.


Kim-the-girl said...

I think kid #3 is always a lovable trouble maker... how funny that he won't let you kiss him, Levi is still a huge snuggle bug. I'll enjoy it while it lasts. What a sweet post on your kids. Its fun to hear what they are like as they grow.

btw~our school in TX is kind of weird too. We have K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 and they are all way too big... you know everything's bigger in TX...

IandS said...

Great update of the kids. I love seeing what they're up to.
My #3 is my troublemaker/wildchild, sometimes I don't think it's so lovable though :)
That's so great the Ephant is SO in to music. M doesn't really like his music class but he REALLY wants to play the trumpet so he puts up with it.
Brother B sounds like M who also likes to dabble - R is the one who totally commits to something.
Fefe's hair looks so pretty. Does it have a little red in it or is that just the photo making it look like that. I'm loving the Farrah look :)

Maren Hansen said...

I love the pic at the end w/them in white tees and jeans. Oh, and cute Easter dress, Feefers! :) Speaking of Feefers, her hair still looks SO read. Kind like Jake's (nasty) "Wolverine" facial hair. Strawberry blonde? Ephant takes after her mom--motivated and talented...

Tim and Angie said...

You have beautiful kids. I bet you are always bursting with pride and love over them!