Friday, April 9, 2010

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

It's been 8 years, and the lovely blue carpet is finally gone from our home. We replaced the last of it yesterday in our bedroom. We chose a light color for the first time. Hopefully it'll be safe in our room. It took some getting used to, I've never had such a light color in a room before, but I'm really liking it now.

The best part of it all is what I found while taking the box springs downstairs. I heard some clinking as I walked down the stairs and Loofa said "What's this?". My wedding ring had fallen out of the box spring. What's funny is that I had wondered if I would find the ring while taking all the furniture out. Don't ask me how it got in there in the first place. I was getting tired of the cheap ring I was wearing and was about to break down and get another ring so this was just in time. (One of our many lost cat collars fell out as well)


Beatrice said...

The amazing thing isn't that you found your ring... it is that you didn't find it the day after buying a new one. :) Love the new carpet!

IandS said...

The new carpet looks great!
That is so weird that your ring was in the boxspring...maybe the cat put it there for safe keeping along with his collar.

Maren Hansen said...

I LOVE it and I love the furniture. I'm SO SO SO happy you found your ring. Maybe you took it off at night and didn't know it? I've been known to do weird things like that. Even woke up once wearing my glasses. Oh, and everyone wakes up naked once in awhile... :)

My favorite part is the new accessories on your bed. The red & yellow of your transportation vehicles really bring out the fall tones of your bedspread... ;)

jjcrew said...

8 years?? Alright, I'll stop moaning about my icky carpet. I still have 6 years to go!

It looks FABULOUS!! Isn't it amazing what new carpet can do to a look and to how you feel about a certain room/area? You deserve it!

Jocelyn said...

Love it! I'm so glad you found your ring too!