Friday, March 26, 2010

My New Stress Ball

About a month ago, February 21st to be exact, I was sitting in church and noticed that my knee felt bruised. I figured I must have just been a clutz again. Later that night, while changing, I looked at my knee and was shocked at how swollen it was. I iced it several times a day for a couple days, but since we had our Great Wolf trip that week I didn't worry about seeing the doctor. My knee was super hot to the touch and even wearing pants the first couple days really hurt. Luckily the cool water at Great Wolf must have been helpful because it was significantly better after our trip. It continued to shrink for a few days, but since then it has stayed about the size of a ping pong ball. Right now it only hurts when I kneel on it. It is sickly fun to squish it. It does feel just like I'm kneeling on a stress ball. I almost went to the doctor, but between being tired of doctor's visits and saving up for Lasik I've decided to give it some more time. I'm pretty sure it is something called prepatellar bursitis. I have no idea what caused it in the first place besides the fact my knee is cursed.

I'm not sure how well this picture shows it, but you can see a bit of a bulge on my knee cap. I imagine if it goes on for too long I'll probably have to go get it drained.


Kim-the-girl said...

Eww. Your knee is cursed. Bummer.

IandS said...

Do you think this is related to your other knee/hip/leg problems?

Maren Hansen said...

Gross to the max. Now you know how Grandma feels... Hope I never get anything like that; on the other hand, it would be fun to gross everyone out by making them squish it...

Jocelyn said...

That is pretty freaky looking. Like Mt. St. Helens is growing on your knee....

Cam said...

Not fun Steph, sorry for the continual knee problems. I thought this wasn't supposed to happen until you were an old lady!
Hey- I saw that you're saving up for lasik. This may be a long shot, but if you were interested in getting it done in Utah, Kevin could get you a 25% friends and family discount at Lasik Plus. He is their new optometrist. He also had it done last January, so if you have any questions about it, I know he'd be happy to fill you in. Anyways, I know you have family in UT, so I thought I'd throw it out there. It's a quick recovery, so it might not totally ruin a vacation. :)