Sunday, March 21, 2010


In order to distract myself from the crushing blow to democracy and all we hold dear I'd thought I'd update my blog.

It's been awhile, but here are some highlights:

The third week of February we took off to The Great Wolf Lodge again. We had an even more fabulous trip this time around. Loofa was old enough to really enjoy himself. We still had to keep an eye on him, but not a death grip as with Fefe. He was big enough to ride every slide except the Howling Tornado. Thankfully, the kids enjoyed the hot tub as much as we do. Uncle S and Aunt C joined as well in order to double our fun. Sadly, Aunt C lost her wedding ring on the last day. Let this be a warning to all sis-in-laws, I now officially declare this a curse. Better super glue your rings to your fingers. Ephant and Brother B were able to run around and do whatever they wanted, we both enjoyed that freedom. They also became Master Magi's after completing the Magi Quest Adventures. Loofa can't wait till the next time we go so he can do it too. We only had one major problem while we were there. Fefe woke up at 1am the last night coughing, crying and barely able to breath. The poor kid had croup. I took her outside and walked her around for a few minutes. Once she calmed down her breathing got well enough to sleep. We put her in bed with us. It was a pretty restless night though because we were so worried about her. I was able to get her into the doctor as soon as we got back to get some steroids. We all slept pretty deep that night.

Fefe was very excited to wear a swim suit, she just forgot to put on the right one.

In February I also took Ephant and Brother B to see Percy Jackson. Ephant is utterly obsessed with that book. She sure learned alot of Greek mythology. I'm glad she enjoys reading. I did like those books, the movie wasn't all that great in comparison.

The beginning of March was pretty heavy duty stress for me. The first Wednesday the kids had their school concert. It would have been fine if I hadn't had to play single parent that night, but I almost lost it. It was one of those nights where I just had to shut myself in my room and ignore everyone. This was all because of how stressed out I was about the Relief Society Birthday dinner the following night. I had to make pulled pork for the dinner in a roaster. I usually do it in a crockpot so I was nervous it wouldn't turn out. My worst fears came true the next morning when I realized that pork that was supposed to be cooking all night was not cooking! The roaster I had borrowed was broken. So I called Aunt J really fast and arranged to get her other roaster. Luckily this one worked, but I had lost 12 hours of slow cooking time. I ended up having to really crank it up towards the end and it barely finished in time. So much for slow cooked. It still tasted delicious and I got plenty of compliments. We had a talent night theme and it was pretty cool to see what everyone brought. I bought a bunch of birthday balloons from the Dollar Store for decor. Fefe thought they were great.

Fefe's favorite show: Wubbzy

Three days later I had to teach in Relief Society. Thankfully I was blessed with a low stress level on that one. I think my body had reached it's absolute quota of what stress it could handle at that point. My best friend even surprised me and showed up for my lesson.

The craziness was not fully done with the completion of my lesson. Ephant had her 10th birthday party on the 13th. This required some planning and a lot of shopping. I had told her she could invite as many friends as she wanted. Word of advice, do not do that! It wasn't terrible, but it was definitely more of a crowd than I'm really comfortable with. She had a great time though and really enjoyed being the center of attention.

We had a wonderful visit with my Uncle and Aunt from Georgia about a week ago. They were out here for work so they dropped by for dinner and a chat. We don't get to see them too often so it was great to talk. We sure miss them.

Thankfully this last week was quite a bit slower. We have spring break this week and have quite a bit planned to do, including a trip up to Mt. St. Helens.


IandS said...

Great Wolf Lodge sounds like a great vacation place - minus the croup (poor Fefe). I HATE croup, it's so scary!!
Sounds like you're keeping busy though :)
No worries about my wedding ring, there's no way this thing is coming off my finger right now :) Thanks for the warning though...apparently vacations and rings don't mix.

Kim-the-girl said...

Wow, wow, wow! (said in my best Wubbzy voice) :) You have been busy. Enjoy your spring break, we sure enjoyed ours!