Friday, December 4, 2009

Knee Update

I went into the orthopedist today to get my knee and hip checked out. About two weeks ago I couldn't bend my knee past 90 degrees. This lasted for about 24 hours so I went in to see my PCP to get a referral. He thought it was just patellofemoral pain, but the internet doctor told me he was wrong. My guess was either a meniscal tear or more likely medial plica syndrome. Sitting and driving is torture. By the end of the day it hurts so bad I have a hard time falling asleep. Meds and icing don't help either. About the only thing that helps is an Ace bandage.

When I went in today they took xrays of my knees and my right hip. The results are lovely. My bones were fine, but my hips rotate internally (think knock knees) and my knee caps tilt laterally. The rotation and tilt is probably what initially caused my Iliotibial Band Syndrome and the progression of that resulted in the knee problem.

Now I get to make appointments for new orthotics to address both the rotation and my accessory navicular. On top of that I get physical therapy for the IT band and an MRI to determine whether it is a meniscal tear or plica syndrome.

I was born with the rotation, it's not my fault. Thanks a lot Mom and Dad.

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