Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bye Bye Baby

My little girl is officially into toddlerhood. Of course she had no clue about what was so great that day, but we still tried to make it fun. I had to visit teach that morning so J took the kids out for burgers for lunch. After nap we went to the pool. Fefe loves swimming so I thought it would be fun for her. We went to a different aquatic center this time and it was a terrible experience. Halfway through the toddler pool was closed because a kid pooped in it. Plus there was the usual 10 minute on the hour, everybody out of the pool routine. I don't know why they do that. It was terrible because I got in the pool with Fefe and 30 seconds later had to get out for that. The slide was fun, but they closed that 20 minutes before the free swim was up. I'm never going there again.

Fefe was in stuffed animal heaven when she opened all her presents. I've never seen a child so in love with stuffed animals (and other animals). Yesterday a dog was barking down the block and she really wanted to just go find it. We watched the Abyss last night and her favorite scenes were with the rat.

I copped out and made quick cupcakes for the treat. I don't know why I did that since no one in this house likes them. Fefe enjoyed the mike and ikes I put in the top though.

The following day we pulled out the toddler bed and took down the crib. She was excited to play in it, but when it came time for nap she was extremely upset. She cried through half of her first nap. Last night she protested a bit, but she finally just laid down without screaming, progress.


Maren Hansen said...

Yay, time to sell the crib! I've got so much baby stuff going on in my basement--I cannot wait to start selling it off and have room again...

IandS said...

Happy Birthday Fefe!!!!
I love that there's barely any room for her to fit in the bed with all her animals around her:)

Jocelyn said...

Getting so big, and still so cute!

Kim-the-girl said...

That is so sweet that she wanted her crib, my kids have never been upset by that... interesting. I, too, love that there is almost no room for her in the bed. She is a doll! Happy birthday Fefe!