Sunday, January 11, 2009

Everything's Coming Up Fefe

J headed out to Mount Hood again on Saturday for a "high adventure" skiing trip with the Scouts.  They didn't actually do High Adventure last year so the money for it was burning a hole in their pocket.  J came back acting like the old man he is.  That is what happens the second time you ski when the first time was 13 years ago.  I wish we had a hot tub he could soak in.  Mostly I'm just glad he survived Oregon's roads.  While he was gone we had a party.  Ephant dressed Fefe in her apron so she could walk around looking official with her kitchen set.

Brother B watched Reign of Fire while Ephant watched Hannah Montana in the other room.  I decided I needed some snickerdoodles so I made a double batch.  That way I can share and still have plenty to feed my thighs.  After I finished the cookies we watched our new favorite show, The Ghost Whisperer.  I can't believe how much the kids like it.  Speaking of shows, I'm going to have to go to a friend's house to watch Lost.  We don't have ABC right now because Dish Network hasn't been able to negotiate a good deal with the network.  I'm okay with that though, if they give in, then my prices go up.

We have adjusted to our back to school routine fairly smoothly.  The kids didn't get to make up any of their holiday parties, but they did get some treats.  Ephant told me she was okay that they weren't doing the play because she didn't get the part she wanted.  Silly girl. So far it looks like they won't extend the year to make up for the snow days.  They plan to use some teacher prep/seminar days.

We also started swimming lessons again for the oldest three.  Loofa seems to be doing much better this time.  Last time he was afraid to dunk his head, but he seems to be mostly over that now.  It is amazing how time can make more of a difference in swimming progress as opposed to doing one lesson after the other.  Brother B isn't too excited about lessons, which is funny since he has the most natural talent for it.

One piece of advice for any Honda Odyssey owners out there.  Do not attempt to change your own headlights!  It is impossible.  Luckily the dealer will do it free.  I'm guessing the recognize the impossibility and own some tool to get in that tiny space.  Either that or they employ midgets with superhero strong hands for just that task.

The Wii continues to be well used.  Ephant had her first Wii Fit injury.  I've had to order rechargers for the remotes before we become the soul revenue stream for Duracell batteries.


Kim-the-girl said...

Ooh! I wish I could join you for a LOST party! We'll be watching it online since we don't have a telee. I can hardly wait!!! I think its great that you use your Wii so much, how sad would it be if you didn't use it at all? Sorry about the injury though, I'm curious how that happens...

Maren Hansen said...

You can always do what we do and watch Lost online. If ABC does like they did last year, then it's up on the website 24 hours later. You can also try and watch it live on some of the live TV sites. I'm a little nervous that they are going to become like stupid Fox and wait 8 days before putting up the new shows. It drives me crazy with House!! Love the apron on FeFe. Her hair looks SO red!

JandS Morgan said...

I thought it was from the Tennis, but E thinks it was from the boxing on the Fit. The problem is that movements tend to be really jerky and short on the Wii. When you play a real sport they are a little smoother and larger. E is a bit of a wuss too so I'm sure she was over dramatizing it.

I'd rather watch it on a bigger screen, but it is nice to know that backup is there. That's one reason I'm considering an antenna, so I can watch it in HDTV. Of course then I'd have to watch commercials, blah!

Jocelyn said...

Sounds like lots to do. I wish we could find more to do in the winter, but I never want to go out in the cold to do stuff.