Thursday, June 19, 2008

Let the Summer Begin

I was pretty sick last week, but I recovered in time to do some heavy duty work on our new laminate floors. I'll post pics once the finishing touches are done. We are aiming for new carpet sometime this summer, but I would like to wait till Fefe isn't constantly spitting up. J has been working on putting in a deck as well. The weather is finally cooperating so it might actually get done sooner rather than later.

Ephant finished up tennis lessons today. Brother B will be done next week. It is amazing to see how much they have improved this year. A couple summers ago they could barely hit the ball. Now they are picking up some skill. Same goes for swimming lessons. I think they might actually pass level 3 soon. Loofa isn't progressing too fast. He loves his lessons, but he will not dunk his head. The head rec guy said that if you have them shower they will have an easier time dunking their head so I've implemented that with Loofa today.

Fefe is really enjoying crawling around outside. She is my first baby to not mind crawling in the grass. In fact she gets really mad at me when I won't put her down. For all that though she is still not pulling up. I probably spend too much time down on the floor with her.

Father's day was fun. Ephant and Brother B had both made presents at school and Loofa gave him a box of Mike & Ikes. I bought him a massage chair insert. It has been a big hit with the kids of course :)

1 comment:

Kim-the-girl said...

Wow! You guys are busy with lots of great stuff! Glad you're doing well.