Monday, October 10, 2011

Massive Update

We're still trying to sell our house, but we are keeping plenty busy with the kid's activities. The boys have decided they love their new elementary school. Loofa has a bit of a crush on his teacher. It's pretty cute to hear him talk about her. He's decided he loves school because of her.

Ephant has started algebra. It is a challenge, but the rest of her classes are plenty easy. We've decided to quit violin this year. She has been playing it so many years without making much progress. She'll probably pick it back up in middle school or high school.

Fefe taking the fashion world by storm, each and every day.

At our yearly campout, Uncle S discovered one of his poles didn't fit quite right.

I'm going to miss this.

Brother B has been goalie for his team quite a bit. This actually turns out to be quite boring because his team is so good that defense hardly has to do anything.

A brother B soccer team sandwich (he's on the bottom).

One of the many open house displays I arranged for our new stake center.

Fefe's first preschool field trip. These firestation field trips are starting to feel like old hat.

A look of pure delight.

The class.

Loofa is loving soccer this year.

Last Saturday they played a team of amazons. Loofa ran as fast as his little legs could.

She's learning how to pose.


Jocelyn said...

Yep, her style will definitely take the world by storm one day.

I love the pics from the fire station. Looks like it was lots of fun!

Maren Hansen said...

Holy cow, Loofah looks like Bro B in that pic where he's showing his watch! They've grown up so much... :) I remember when Adia would only wear her Teletubbie snow boots everywhere (in the summer) including running through the sprinkler... :)