Thursday, January 13, 2011

Let the Countdown Begin Again

My desire to blog is definitely starting to wane. I'm going to force myself though because this is about it as far as journaling goes and I know some family members actually like to see updates.

So, for your viewing/reading pleasure, what follows is the tale of a boy who has waited for his birthday, so long... ONE WHOLE YEAR!

Loofa turned six so he was allowed to have his first birthday party. I gave him the choice of going to a party place and just inviting 2 friends or staying home and inviting six. He chose to stay at home. Surprised me because I didn't know he had six friends. He invited 3 friends from school and 3 from church. None of the friends from school showed up.

We didn't have much of a theme to the party, mostly due to my own laziness. He wanted it to be a Wii party so after the scheduled stuff he just played wii with his friends. We had a craft, piƱata, a game and a treat. Pretty simple, my kind of party.

Two days later was the family party. I broke down and bought him yet another scooter. He's not allowed to take this one to the park, so maybe if we're lucky it won't be stolen anytime soon. I also decorated the heck out of it with my cricut. Should make it easily recognizable from far away. Plus I used outdoor vinyl so it won't be easy to remove. Loofa also got another Wii game, Super Mario Galaxy II. Probably his favorite present since he's been dying for it since it was released. He's definitely put plenty of time into it.

He's already counting down to his next birthday. I keep waiting for him to grow out of this, but it seems here to stay. The boy loves his birthday.


IandS said...

Good for him - birthdays are exciting when you're little.
You have a cricut? I have a silhouette...want to do crafts at the reunion?

Kim-the-girl said...

We got SM Galaxy 2 for Christmas and my boys are loving it. Its so strange these little ones are turning 6, I remember when he was just a wee lad in a Moses basket. :)

Maren Hansen said...

I wanna see the scooter you decorated the heck out of... Smashy keeps asking how many days till her birthday, or Christmas, or New Years. She wants real numbers so I keep having to try and count it up...