Friday, February 17, 2012

Quick Solution

Ephant has been complaining about all the light coming into their room in the rental house, especially when the neighbor leaves his back lights on.  It is west facing so it could get pretty brutal in the summertime.  Our front porch light leaks right through their window too so I can never turn it on when they are in bed.  I have no desire to make or buy curtains for windows we'll be leaving in 7 months so I went to Joann's and bought 5 yards of the Roclon blackout lining and just pinned it up.  It will make a good lining someday when I make real curtains! I might start taking my naps in this room.  There's nothing I love better than a dark room for sleeping.

1 comment:

Maren Hansen said...

likey. i spent serious dough on insulating curtains for all the bedrooms (except A's which are light-blocking, but not thermal). it's been worth every cent. not that it really was that much since i bought them on clearance at walmart...