Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Last Day of School, Yippee?

It was a very sad/happy day today. I love it when the kids get out of school, but I've found myself on the verge of tears all day because of Gales Creek closing. The board votes Monday so we'll find out then for sure. I feel so bad for Brother B's teacher. He was truly great with B and it is so rare to find a male teacher in elementary schools these days. Sadly, he is a victim of the stupid seniority rules of the teacher's union. I remember when the kids first started, one of my friends described the school as a real gem. She was so right. It is too bad every school can't be this small and friendly.

Loofa's kindergarten graduation.


Jocelyn said...

That is so sad, I hope they vote to keep it open.

IandS said...

So sad :( I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they decide in your favor.