Monday, May 17, 2010

Horning's Hideout

After the groundbreaking ceremony we decided the day was too beautiful to waste. My friend has told me about a great place to catch salamanders. So, we packed up a lunch and headed out. The lake was positively teaming with salamanders. We spent about 2 1/2 hours there and the kids probably could have stayed the rest of the day.

Loofa's hands are covered in fish guts in this pic. The adults were having a hard time removing the hook and Loofa didn't mind getting his hands dirty. Yuck.

There are a couple play structures there. The first time Loofa slid down he launched and did quite the roll. I wish I had that on video. You can see the potential for it in this video though when J catches him.


Kim-the-girl said...

Wow, that slide really catapults him doesn't it? Looks like fun (and its a good thing dad was there to catch him). I can't believe all those salamanders! Ethan tried and tried to convince me that we should get salamanders for pets early in our marriage. "There like amphibian dogs!"

Maren Hansen said...

Don't know that I've ever seen such a grin of pure joy on B's face as in that first pic... :) Those salamanders are almost as cute as our little tadpoles (aka, taddies). I never know how much I loved amphibians (and non-venomous reptiles) till we lived somewhere that has so many of them... :)

Jacob J said...

That salamander video reminds me of the last part of Romancing the Stone. Look and them snappers.

jjcrew said...

Did I tell you that this is where our father/son camp out was that Jared had to bail out on? It was there last year too when Jake went with friends while we were in San Diego. We should go this summer!