Friday, February 19, 2010

Wainscoting the Stairs

I took the week off between Christmas and New Year's Eve. Before that all my effort had been going into the stupid master bathroom which I started remodelling on my sabbatical, but I finally got it finished (mostly), which meant I was freed up to do a wainscoting project as I've been wanting to do for a long time. I was going to do the back room, but then I got the bright idea of wainscoting the stairs. Before I could count the cost, I was in knee deep. So, here are some pictures of it.


Kim-the-girl said...

It looks great!

IandS said...

It looks AWESOME!!!! After watching I do our bedroom I know how much work it takes and I'm really impressed...all those angles and stairs look like a complete pain in the rear to do.

Jocelyn said...

Wow Jacob, that looks so beautiful! Good job!

Jacob J said...

Thanks guys. The angles and stairs were indeed a pain in the neck, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

Cam said...

All of your hard work paid off- the stairs look amazing!

jjcrew said...

LUV the stairs, Jacob! Holy cow. I wish we had those kinds of skills.

Maren Hansen said...

Skillz indeed! And the paint job is really nice too. I love how everything is coming together--seems like yesterday that you had all this splotches of paint colors you were testing all over the house. And now look at all the work you've gotten done inside & out, as well as the yard. Don't move--you guys gotta enjoy all the payoff now!