Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Pray for my Children

That they don't inherit my clutziness. I broke my toe last night while walking through the hallway in the dark. It is ridiculous how many times I've hurt myself due to things like that. I have an appt tomorrow with the podiatrist to get it looked at. They most likely won't do anything, but you never know. Besides, aren't xrays fun? Maybe I'll even score some good drugs out of it.


Kim-the-girl said...

OUch! I hate it when I hurt my toes, it makes walking such a pain! Good luck!

IandS said...

OW! That looks painful. Let us know if they do anything. In my experience they have NEVER done anything for broken toes. Ballerinas with broken toes are the WORST:(

Maren Hansen said...

hope your marrow isn't leaking out and causing system failures... :)

Terra said...

Oh no. I hope you get better soon. We'll be at Bard park on Thursday around 1--hope to see you there!