Monday, May 12, 2008

Poor Timing

I got a call from Ephant's teacher today. She was sick and needed to come home. When I picked her up she was pale as a ghost and had just thrown up. She looked pretty terrible. Next week is our trip to the waterpark so I'm really hoping we are not still dealing with this then. I'm sure she'll pass it to the other kids. Fefe is just getting over a double ear infection. I took her into the doctor last week because she was breathing fast, had a fever and was very grumpy.

My toe is still hurting, but I didn't end up going into the doctor for it. I decided it would be a waste of my time. It still looks a little funny, but I'm guessing it will continue to look funny the rest of my life :)

I really really hate shopping. I don't mind spending money though. We spent half of saturday trying to find pants for Ephant and Brother B. I tried on some swimsuits too. Swimsuit shopping is very frustrating, unless you are a super model. I've decided just to bring one of my old swimsuits and ordered a pair of swim shorts since the legs are a little higher cut than I feel like dealing with.

J gave me some pretty cool presents yesterday for Mother's Day. The best was the king size Butterfinger bar (my favorite candy bar). I overindulged and ate the whole thing after lunch. Aunt J made some butterfinger ice cream for dinner too, yummy. J gave me a wok pan too, it'll be fun to try it out.

Jumping on the trampoline at Aunt J's:

Brother B has a new pair of pajama pants, just like Daddy's:


Kim-the-girl said...

Bummer on the sickies, I've been throwing up all day, so I can relate, we're supposed to leave tomorrow! I'm praying I don't pass it on to anyone. Good luck!

Fun Mother's day gifts! Can't wait to see you! I'm sure I'll be feeling better by then!

Jacob J said...

I really really hate shopping. I don't mind spending money though.

Tell me about it.