Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hip Hop Till You Drop

We've finally found the perfect match for Ephant's dance skills. She was always so so about ballet, but she loves hip hop. She's pretty good at it too. It's great to see I can produce a child with skills I don't have. This is from her dress rehearsal last night. The actual performance is tonight. You might see her cousin S in some of the video, but I mostly focused on Ephant.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

One Big Family

Aunt J's youngest son just left on his mission to Sweden. The weekend of his farewell she had all her kids and grandkids so we decided to do a massive photoshoot. Luckily the pictures turned out great. This picture was a composite of probably 5 pictures. Thank heavens for photoshop and lightroom.

Loofa's Big Week

Loofa graduated from preschool last month. I love these graduations mostly because it is fun to see how your child will react in front of a large crowd. There weren't really any laugh out loud moments like with Ephant and Brother B, but it was still fun.

Who can guess what Loofa is holding in this picture?

Funny Girl

This is how I discovered Fefe one day:

Another day:

She really loves playing outside. One of her favorite things to do is find potato bugs.