J's parents tend to get the short end of the stick since my siblings are younger. We're always heading down to Utah for various farewells, homecomings and weddings for my family. We managed to spend the last couple days of our vacation with J's parents and had quite a good time. Early Thursday morning we headed out to the new Oquirrh Mountain Temple. I was surprised how close it is to Jordan River. It has a gorgeous location right on top of a bluff. It was so wonderful to take the kids on a tour through the temple so they could have an idea of what it is like before they are old enough to get their recommends. We were the only ones not in Sunday clothes so we were wondering how many people thought we were non-members.
Afterwards we came back to Bountiful for a little R&R.

Loofa had a good time being pushed on the swing by Daddy.
The city is building enormous water storage tanks right behind their house. Once they are complete they'll cover them up with dirt and it'll look just like a field.

Grandma found some good crafts for the kids to work on.
Thursday evening we headed up to Mueller's Canyon for our traditional visit.

One of the millions of caterpillars we found on our hike.

Brigham was the most enthusiastic about the caterpillars. He must have had a collection of 10 of them by the end. We kept finding them all over clothes. When it was time to go we had to do a quick clothing check before getting in the van.

Part way up the hill. The kids really enjoyed hiking up with Grandma and Grandpa.

The beloved stream. Loofa couldn't wait to strip his shoes off and play in the icy cold water.

Ephant's favorite part is collecting cool looking rocks.

Fefe really wanted to get in the water.

Yay for me!

Grandma doled out some delicious skittles to the hungry babies.
We had a lot of fun seeing all the hard work Grandma and Grandpa are doing on their house. It is exciting to see all the changes each time we come and visit.
Our drive back on Saturday was nice and uneventful. We left at 5am and pulled into the house at about 4pm. It was nice to be home, but we had such a good time I actually still wish we were on vacation. My brother is engaged so we'll be heading down to California again in the near future for that exciting event. J is thinking he'll take his sabbatical mid-August till mid October so we should have some fun times.
(J has been teasing me about how I put my captions above pictures. I finally changed it for the past few posts in case you were confused)